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A HUGE UPDATE —  — the judge did NOT drop the charges against the officers. 

We could not have done this without your help. Together we made 984 calls to local officials and had over 8,700 people sign our petition demanding the officers be held accountable for killing an 8 year old girl. And now these officers will be facing trial.

But now, the fight continues to win justice for Fanta.

Sharon Hill conducted an independent investigation about the current police policies and procedures and released a HEAVILY redacted report that doesn’t provide any information to the public. 

This kind of work — making sure these officers didn’t get away with murder — is the bread and butter of what we do here at Grassroots Law and is only made possible by grassroots donations. We are up against a HUGE End of Quarter fundraising deadline this Friday, can we count on you for a donation to help power our work so we can continue the fight for Fanta and so many more victims of police violence?

We’ve made it this far in this fight and already got past one of the biggest hurdles. Without thousands of you taking action over the past six weeks, the charges against the officers could have very well been dropped and this whole incident could have been swept under the rug by the Sharon Hill police.

But now, while we wait for the trial to take place, we need to keep fighting. 

While we can’t bring Fanta back, we can help Fanta’s family, and the Sharon Hill community who have been unwavering in their demands for justice, by pressuring local officials to make this report public, so that steps can be taken to make sure that this never happens again.

Grassroots Law Project